Private Blog Network Building Service

Our PBN builds include:

High quality themes and plugins

Well designed logos

Natural ad banner placements

The average order delivery time is 10 days after payment is received and does not take into account issues with site logins, and hosting. Need it sooner? Upgrade to our 48hr Rush Order for just $15 more.

Posts are populated with high quality stock images and videos

750 words of unique content, produced by non-native writers (250 words on the homepage and a 500 word article)

Designed by our team of Udemy certified WordPress Experts

Up to 5 Reusable TTF URLs from Majestic rebuilt

Unique content from leveraged in addition to handwritten content to increase the amount of content on your new site

Want to re-design your existing live PBN site? Add a note that says "Redesign the site, but leave all existing content intact", and we'll handle the rest.

All default pages created - Terms of Service, Disclaimer and Contact Us Forms

Want to see the quality of the sites we build? View Samples

Need to order multiple at once? Use our Multiple Site Order Form

Price: $60

WordPress Experts designing your new PBN site

Let us help you keep your new PBN site looking natural with our PBN Content service
12 Months of blog post content
Scheduled to publish a new post each month
Keep Google's crawlers coming back to your site
Each post includes high quality stock images
500 words per article of handwritten unique content to suit your blog
Stay active and fresh – keep your PBN looking like a real blog
Published on your WordPress site by our team

About Our Private Blog Network Building Service

By now, you already know that link building, or having backlinks from high-authority domains that lead back to your money site, is one of the key ranking factors in search engines. As of 2020, backlinks are one of the top two most important ranking factors in the Google algorithm - the other being content.

One of the best ways to implement a strong link building strategy is by getting yourself a PBN, or a Private Blog Network. A PBN is basically a network of high-authority domains that have expired and were bought out by SEO specialists like you. Once you gather enough of these websites in your PBN, you create some content for them which links back to your main website, or money site - the site that you’re aiming to profit from, be it from a business or ads.

However, creating and managing a PBN is a lot of work. You need to buy out websites, find a PBN host you can trust, and make sure you leave no footprint - if Google figures out that you’re using a PBN, it may penalize your money site, so all your money and hard work will go down the drain. Needless to say, you need a PBN host that can cover your tracks securely and even help you build your Private Blog Network. That’s where our service enters the picture.

What Is a PBN Building Service?

As we’ve explained, building a PBN takes a lot of time, effort, and technical know-how. If you put all your energy into building your PBN, your business may take a hit, because really, who has the time for everything? Yet, if you use your time wisely and delegate what can be delegated, you can see your business flourish. While you focus on the growth of your brand, we can do all the background work necessary to bring in organic traffic to your money site through a PBN.

We offer several different PBN building services, which we’ll introduce in the next section, but the gist of it is - we’ll do it for you. Whether you’re looking for a little help setting it up, or would prefer someone to build all your PBN websites and their content for you, you can find a plan that suits you perfectly.

Our PBN Building Services

We have three done-for-you PBN services. Each offers several different plans you can choose from based on the needs of your website. You’ll find that the prices are quite competitive and well worth the growth in SEO and eventually, revenue.

1. Done for You PBN Site Builds

Right on this page that you’re on now, you can order a “Done for You” PBN site build. Simply bring your own PBN domains that you’ve found using tools like Spamzilla or bought from a domain broker, and we’ll do the rest.

We even have easy integrations from the member dashboards of Bulk Buy Hosting and LaunchCDN to make it easy for you to order your next site build.

As an added bonus, customers of LaunchCDN and Bulk Buy Hosting get a 33% discount when ordering through the special links from inside your account.

2. Monthly PBN Packages

Our monthly PBN packages offer completely done new websites for your Private Blog Network each month. Each of our plans includes non-dropped auction domains, over 25 referring domains, and more than 2 years of age per domain. We also offer optional non-English translations, if you don’t wish your site’s content to be in English.

Depending on the growth rate of your money site and the size of your PBN, you can choose from three plans: Starter, Pro, and Business.

The difference between the plans is how many new PBN websites you get each month. With Starter, you get one new PBN website monthly; with Pro, you get three new PBN websites monthly; and with Business, you get five new PBN websites monthly.

We especially recommend these monthly PBN packages if you’re running a digital marketing agency and are building PBNs for your clients, in order to boost their SEO. When you use our service, your clients will automatically get new PBN websites each month.

We also recommend these plans if you’re working on several affiliate projects, and need things to run smoothly without your active management and supervision. You can ensure the growth of all projects simultaneously by having new websites added to their PBNs every month.

Contact our support team to get started today.

3. Private Blog Network Hosting & Building Service

Our Private Blog Network Hosting & Building Service plans give you the whole package. We’ll deal with the hosting, building, SEO-friendliness, and security of your PBN, making sure that it doesn’t leave a footprint that could lead to nasty penalties. There’s also a lot of flexibility in how involved or uninvolved you want to be in the process. You can pick your domain names, or leave it to us; you can create your own content, or leave it to our team; and finally, you can scale your PBN whenever you want, however you want, depending on the changing needs of your website.

You’ll always have an easy overview of all the websites in your PBN, as LaunchCDN will provide you with a control platform from which you can manage all the details and settings concerning your PBN and the websites it holds.

We offer basic and premium PBN packages. The plans come with varying numbers of done-for-you PBN websites, but you can also always order a website build from us later on using the built-in PBN Builder. (This can be done easily from your control platform’s dashboard: just place an order for any domain you’ve added to your PBN.)

You can choose from 5-site, 10-site, or 20-site completely-done-for-you PBN options from our basic PBN plans. All the domains and site builds are included in the initial purchase of the plans, which starts at $750 - one of the best prices you’ll find for the features and quality of our service. Once we’ve gotten you domains and built your websites, there’s a monthly fee for the ongoing hosting of your domains.

The basic PBN plans come with non-dropped auction domains, over 25 referring domains, and are at least 2 years of age. We also offer optional non-english translations.

The premium PBN packages also offer three plans with 5, 10, or 20-site PBN options. While the monthly hosting fees are the same as the fee for the basic plans, the initial price is a bit steeper, as these plans come with a lot more power. Unlike the basic plans, premium plans come with over 100 referring domains and additionally offer the option of broad niche relevance. This means that depending on the niche of your website, we find relevant domains for the websites in your PBN. (Keep in mind that we don’t offer this for some niches, as finding relevant domains for them is incredibly difficult).

Overall, the basic plans are great if you’re just starting things off, while the premium plans are ideal for larger businesses that are looking to expand. You could also take advantage of them if you’re looking for a head start!

Other perks that are featured in all our plans include email forwarding and your choice of CDN providers (including Amazon CloudFront, Cloudflare, and StackPath). Last but certainly not least, we’ll make sure that your PBN doesn’t leave any server footprints that could lead to your money site getting penalized. By using unique Name Servers, popular IP addresses, SOA Records, and so on, we keep search engine algorithms off your trail, and your SEO booming.

Contact our support team to get started today.

What Makes Our PBN Building Service Exceptional?

In a nutshell: devotion and quality. We do our best to make sure that each website in your PBN looks authentic and original. We don’t skimp on content and design.

Here are a couple of things you can expect from our service:

1. Fresh content: high-quality content is extremely important for Google’s algorithms. It’s important for your money site to have, but it’s also important for the websites in your PBN. We make sure that you get fresh, original, quality content on your PBN websites.

2. Suitable domain names: we don’t pick domain names out of a hat. Choosing the right domain that’s relevant to your niche is important even for the websites in your PBN. We choose suitable domain names that will work best for your targeted niche.

3. Authentic websites: a PBN is supposed to help you grow organic traffic on your website - so how’s this going to happen if the sites in your PBN all look the same? Or if they are very obviously there just to create backlinks to your money site? This could also lead to penalties. So, we make sure that all the websites in your PBN look authentic. Each website is different, with different templates, themes, and content.

4. Creative design: we’ll create creative logos for your websites, and add compelling videos and images - all in order to make them look both appealing and credible.

5. Multiple pages: we won’t allow your website to hang on a single landing page. We’ll also include default web pages that mark any authentic, credible website, like a Home page, Terms of Service, Disclaimer, Blog, About Us, and a Contact page.